Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Crazy Pops are going to Vegas!

Well, it's official - 67% of the Crazy Pops are going to Vegas May 13-16 - and we're staying at the Hard Rock Hotel! That's right - two 41 year old dads, one with little hair and one with graying hair, both with the fashion sense of a cheese stick and the hipness of an eight track tape, are staying at the center of the MTV Generation in Las Vegas. Fish out of water stories always make for great comedy, so we're putting ourselves right on the side of the pool (get it? Fish out of water?) just for you! Stay tuned afterwards; I'm sure we'll have some stories to share. Or not. What happens in Vegas is supposed to stay in Vegas, but I have the feeling that this is going to be funny...and we're all about the funny.
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So who is the other 33.333333333%?
I've only heard mention of 67.6666667%
In other words... who are you guys?
I've only heard mention of 67.6666667%
In other words... who are you guys?
Okay, frickin' three-thirds. And when Tim joins, we'll have four-thirds. A whole number and change. Speaking of change, we'll need that for the slots this fall. You bastards will need in May. Did I mention you're bastards? Bastard people. That's what you are.
You could be a bastard too, ya know. You were invited to be a bastard. Begged to be a bastard, even. But noooooo. You have a deadline May 17th. A deadline for The Man. So, really, who's the bastard? When Dukey and I are in Vegas, lounging by the Hard Rock pool with all the other middle aged hotties on Monday afternoon, May 15th, and you're working on a "deadline" for The Man back in Boulder, Colorado, who'll be the bastard? Oh, all right, you win. We are bastards. But you could be one, too...
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