My family and I live in an urban Denver neighborhood with a little shopping and restaurant area where the only “chain” stores are Peaberry’s Coffee and Chipotle. We don’t go to WalMart, we try to patronize locally owned shops and restaurants as much as possible, and our kids don’t watch a whole lot of TV outside of PBS. Still, they pick up on things:
Yesterday was one of those days where we all feel incredibly lucky to live in Denver: The sun was out, it was warm, trees were starting to bud…it was a perfect spring day. So the family and I decided to go over to the Old South Gaylord District, to my favorite sports store, to get the boys some ice skating/skiing helmets – they’re going to start “Learn To Skate” classes at the University of Denver soon, so I want to pad them up. Anyway, over at Old Gaylord, we were walking around and we stumbled on this place called “Devil’s Food,” which has pastries and cinnamon rolls and coffee. So we walk in, grab some pastries and coffee, and sit down for a nice leisurely snack on what is absolutely the most beautiful day of the year. We’re sitting there, eating, drinking coffee, and my two year old looks up with his big eyes and says, “Daddy?” “Yes, boy?” “Is this Starbucks?”
Then he starts singing “The Latte Song.” Which goes something like this (to the tune of “The Chicken Dance,” as best as I could tell):
“Latte Latte Latte,
Latte Latte Latte,
Latte Latte Latte,
Daddy Daddy Latte!”
# posted by Jeff C. @ 11:06 AM