Sunday, April 23, 2006


Heaven in a styrofoam cup

This would have been my favorite website in college.

Of course there is a Ramen website. I should have known. I love the fact that they offer free shipping for orders over $100 of ramen.

Sorry to hear about your 'stupid' day, too. No really, I really wasn't in the mood. Had Barry Manilow been playing, I probably would have off'ed myself. :)
Did you see this? An All-You-Can-Eat-Online-Buffet:

"Simply by becoming a Ramen Buffet individual member today, you can enjoy any and all the Ramen Buffet items you want, i.e., all you can eat, at our regular low price of only $249.95 per month."

Man, if only Al Gore had invented the Internet BEFORE I went to college.
But could you have afforded $249.95 a month back in college?
No, but can I feed my kids $249.95 worth of Ramen each month right now? I say yes. Even though Social Services will say no and take my kids from me for doing such a "dangerous" thing. If they can get my kids through the door after eating $249.95 worth of Ramen each month for several months, that is...that's a hell of a lot of Ramen.

I'm curious to know how many people they have on this $249.95 plan.
Check out
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