This reminds me of the time a couple of years ago when 67% of the Crazy Pops were in Las Vegas for one of our semi-regular “Vegas Culture Expeditions,” where we go in search of art, literature, and opera in the City of Sin. Hahahaha! I can’t even say that with a straight face. Anyway, we were in Vegas, and we were getting ready to go see the Avs play the Kings at the MGM in their annual preseason “Frozen Fury” game. So we went to the MGM to get some pre-game dinner and drinks at a Mexican food place in the hotel. And we stumbled upon a wedding reception. And this wedding reception took place while we were eating sitting there, a few tables away, eating chile rellenos and quaffing margaritas. And this wedding reception, all kidding aside, was NASCAR based. Although the participants in said reception didn’t look NASCAR based. Of course, I am making assumptions based on their appearance which, in most cases, would be wrong, but when you stumble upon a NASCAR wedding you typically look around to wonder if a) Ashton Kutcher is punking you and b) if the people in the wedding look like rednecks. They didn’t, and it occurred to me later that they were all dressed up as if they were at a wedding, which probably made it hard to make shallow judgments about them based on appearance.
Anyway, the best man, I’m not making this up, got up and gave a toast that went something like this (I’m paraphrasing here. Or outright improvising. But this’ll be close):
“N is for the knowledge that you’ll gain in your years of bliss,
A is for always loving each other even when something’s amiss.
S is for the jacket that Jeff Gordon wears when he races,
C is for the cars Jeff drives and your 3 future kids who’ll all need braces.
A is for, um, always watching NASCAR cars when they turn left always,
R is for really really really really loving each other, um, always.”
It probably wasn’t that exactly, but the best man actually gave a toast that spelled out N-A-S-C-A-R. I choked on my relleno, fell out of my chair, spilled my margarita and almost got kicked out of the restaurant because I couldn’t stop laughing. Easily one of the top 5 most surreal experiences of my young life. Okay, old life.
# posted by Jeff C. @ 10:37 PM