Tuesday, April 18, 2006


The really big shoe.

Tomorrow night's our big third anniversary show, and, because we haven't scheduled an opening act (our last two shows we've had opening acts, because, well, frankly, they bring their friends to our shows and we'll do just about anything to get butts in seats), I'm going to "sing" and play my guitar. And, because it's our third anniversary show, I'm going to play a medley that combines together the following number-oriented songs. I'm calling this medley "Numerical Shnumerical":

"Three Is A Magic Number" from Schoolhouse Rock.

"99 Luftballoons" by Nena(?)

"40" by John Eddie.

"867-5309" by Tommy Tutone. They played at my high school grad night. Oops! Have I just given away my age?

"One" by Three Dog Night.

And, lastly, "Three Times a Lady" by the Commodores.

You really should come check it out. 'Cuz I'm only going to do it once. That's my favorite kind of art: Disposable. The kind of art where you say, "You really should have been there." Or, perhaps, in this case, "You're really glad you weren't there." 'Cuz, honestly, I don't know how to play half of those songs. By tomorrow night, however, I still won't know how to play half of those songs. But I'll have enough pre-show adrenaline running through me that I'll be able to fake it.

Also, for my bio in the show program, I wrote the following:

Jeff C's turn ons are warm summer days, bubble baths, and back tattoos. His turn-offs are rude people, that incessant telephone that won't stop ringing in his office, and anything having to do with Ashlee Simpson. All kidding aside, he does like back tattoos, and may get one on next his trip to Vegas if he's plied properly. He is the proud father of two fantastic little boys and can be found blogging at http://crazypops.blogspot.com with his also-in-heavy-denial-about-their-age friends. Quite seriously, Jeff thanks you for coming to tonight's show. And, if you want to show him your back tattoo, he'd like to see it.

Uh, shouldn't you be working on stuff FOR the show instead of wasting your time and life blogging? Kids today! Geez!

(P.S. I just blogged my 100th post.)
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