Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I can't even grow my hair long anymore

Not that it ever looked good long. But come on. So I've had this, let's just say, thinning area in the yarmulka region, where you can kinda see scalp through hair. And it hasn't gotten any thinner in at least a decade. But there it is. And when I grow my hair out a bit, I look like freakin' Rob "Meathead" Reiner in All in the Family. So now I have to keep my hair shortER to keep from looking completely stupid (as opposed to mostly stupid, which is how I look anyway).

I have buddies who, due to serious deforestation upstairs, have gotten out the #1, or worse, the razor, and just cleaned house based on the same principles. But if I do that, I'm gonna look like Zippy the Pinhead.

Big frickin' deal, right? Especially to somebody who's seriously follically challenged. They'd just get pissed off at me for whining about a little "thinning." Wouldn't they, Dukey. But it's all the same. Whether "thinning" or losing it all due to hormonal Agent Orange, you're sunk. You're losing physical options that you're going to have to make up for with character enhancements, unless you happen to have some quirky NEW physical trait that turns out to be strangely sexy, like bushy eyebrows.

But however it works out, one thing is certain: It ain't happenin' at the Hard Rock pool like it would have a few years earlier. Good thing it's mostly dark at the Voodoo Lounge.

Hey, don't knock it 'till you've tried it. Bushy eyebrows are the new six-pack.
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