Monday, June 26, 2006
The Funny Five

Well, here we go - tomorrow night, it's the first show with the new incarnation of the Rodents of Unusual Size. You see, we had 7 of us a month ago, then we lost 3, and we've picked up a new person (she's quite good!), so now there are 5. It should be a very good time - I've written a new sketch and a new music sketch and I'm doing my rant and Howard's doing his rant, so come check it out. Here's the PR - it's in two parts, because I sent out an original e-mail (below) and a follow up e-mail (above):
Hi friends,
Just a reminder: Tomorrow is "Rat Tuesday" - see below. Also, this just in: Opening for the ROUS tomorrow night will be Tina Gill, doing her "Oddville" winning smash, "Rindercella." Okay, so we all went to the "Oddville" show ( last month at the Avenue and performed one of our ROUS sketches. We met Tina there and asked her to open for us, because "Rindercella" is really cool and because she won the "Oddville" competition with it. You'll just have to see it to believe it. Remember - we have a good track record with our opening acts. Rubi Nicholas, who opened for us in December, went on to win the "America's Funniest Mom" title with Nickleodeon Television, so come on out tomorrow night and see the next star in the making!
Also, look for another episode in the continuing saga of Clippy, the Microsoft Office Assistant, at tomorrow night's show. And a brand spankin' new music sketch. We're pulling out all the cheese, just for you!
Details below. See you at the show.
The Rodents of Unusual Size Comedy Improv Troupe is very proud to announce their new totally regular gig. Not "totally regular" as in "they've been eating a lot of fiber" but "totally regular" as in we're booked through the end of the year for the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Avenue Theater! That's right, the 4th Tuesday will now be known as "Rat Tuesday" in these here parts, so saddle up your varmints and come on down Tuesday, June 27, to the Avenue for an evening of splendiforous amusement. Okay, those are big words, and "splendiforous" isn't even really a word, but it's Monday and I'm just coming off an excellent Father's Day (happy belated Father's Day to all you dads out there), so my mind isn't quite back up to speed just yet. Forgive me. And come to the show anyway.
If you come to the show, you'll get to hear the now infamous "rant" that I did for the "Radio Avenue" show on radio station KGNU Friday morning. Infamous, you ask? Why infamous? Because it was beeped. That's right, I used a semi-"dirty" word or two and my "rant" was censored, like so many famous comedians before me. Hahahaha! I can't even say that with a straight face. Anyhow, I'll be presenting my raw rant uncut and uncensored Tuesday night, and, as a special bonus, Howard Semones of Monkey's Uncle will be presenting his own rant as well. You do not want to miss it. It was on the radio! How close to being semi-famous can we get? Show details below.
See you at a show!
- Jeff
Tuesday, June 27, 2006.
7:30 pm: Rat Tuesday begins!
$10 cover, includes one drink
The Avenue Theater
417 East 17th Avenue
(303) 321-5925
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