Monday, June 19, 2006
Monkey? Hockey? Hockey? Monkey?

If you like your comedy on the simian side, and funny, go see our pals in Monkey's Uncle Comedy Improv tonight at the new Jazz at Jack's in the Denver Pavilions. They do a fantastic show and my friend Howard is in their troupe. And if Howard's in your troupe, the whole world's smiling. Man, where the hell did that come from? It must be a Monday.
I, unfortunately, won't be there because it's Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals tonight. I'm torn, really, because the two great loves of my life outside of family, friends, and engineering.... hahahahaha! Okay, scratch that last one, and add "guitar playing." Anyhow, the two great loves of my life outside of those things are comedy and hockey. So I'm a bit torn. But I can see the Monkeys next month and the month after that. I can see a Game 7 of the chase for sports' greatest trophy once every, what, 7 or 8 years? So I'm skipping the comedy and going with the hockey tonight. If you go see the comedy, please shout out "tribadism" for me at some point. You'll have to read Howard's blog to learn about it, but it's damn funny.
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I think it's even funnier that Wikipedia had a listing for it. And if anyone is looking for the exact post, it's the one about Scissor Sisters. :)
Jeff, we had 29 people at the show last night, which is the biggest crowd since we moved to the new Jack's location. I'm hoping it's because of the promotional push I did, but who knows. I was happy to have a crowd.
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Jeff, we had 29 people at the show last night, which is the biggest crowd since we moved to the new Jack's location. I'm hoping it's because of the promotional push I did, but who knows. I was happy to have a crowd.
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