Thursday, July 13, 2006
Son of a Beach

All right already! "Is the blog over?" "Are you quitting the blog?" "Did you die a horrible death in a strange Metamucil accident?" Enough with the questions!
Actually, nobody's asked. Interesting. Because, really, while this is the alleged "Crazy Pops" blog, I went out of town for 11 days and nothing happened with it. Even though there are 3 of us "writers." Interesting. There have been 39 posts and I've written at least 30 of them. No he didn't! Yes, I did. I called you out. Really, we should change the name of this blog to something like "One Guy Who Gets An Occasional Stick Up His Ass And Has To Write About It To Stay Sane." Because that's what it is.
Anyhow, I've been at the San Diego beach with my kids for 11 days (okay, my wife went too!) and am just assimilating back into society. That's your word for the day, by the way. "Assimilating." Touch it. Love it. Sprinkle it throughout your conversations like bacon bits on a salad. I have lots of things to write about, and I'll start with them this weekend. So stay tuned for my reviews of Sea World and Lego Land and another episode of "Crazy Yet Poignant Things Kids Say." Because when you take a 3 and a 5 year old on a plane for the first time and to the beach for the first time, they have lots to talk about. And so do I.
- The Lone Crazy Pop.
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I should know by now that if you bombard my blog with comments that there is a new one sitting over here. :) Welcome back and glad you had fun, Lone Blogger.
How come he was called the Lone Ranger, but had a side-kick?
How come he was called the Lone Ranger, but had a side-kick?
I think we should all have sidekicks. Somebody we can put a mask on and call "Kimosabe" late at night, when the going gets rough. But enough about my wife.
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