Monday, November 06, 2006
Crossing over to the dark side

I spend a portion of the weekend cleaning out my closet - actually throwing away clothes I don't wear! - and organizing my sock drawers. ORGANIZING MY SOCK DRAWERS! And I actually ENJOYED it.
I'm worried about myself. Is this what it means to get old? If you know me at all, you know I'm a slob. At best. I once had 6 cats, I like leaving my shoes wherever I take them off, and I tend to let clothes pile up until I have nothing left to wear. That's my true nature. Or, it was my true nature. All of a sudden....okay, so maybe it's not "all of a sudden," because this has probably been a slow transition. After all, I have been married to Mrs. C. for 12 years now and she's a total neat freak. I think the only way we've managed to avoid divorce court is because we have a house cleaner.
Anyway, now I'm 40 something and I'm actually "getting" the benefits of having things clean and in order. It's sort of a Zen feeling. There's so much more peace around here when the toys are picked up and the dishes are done, ya know? And that, my friends, scares the crap out of me. Because it goes against everything I've ever been. I'm crossing over to the dark side. Those of you who are already there, please welcome me. I'll organize your sock drawer for you. And those of you I'm leaving behind? Pick up those socks! AND PUT THEM IN A DRAWER!