Wednesday, November 29, 2006
A show so good, they made a record out of it.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Tryptophantastic Comedy Show tomorrow night!

Tomorrow night (Tuesday, the 28th) is the ROUS' last show of 2006 and our last Tuesday show ever! That's right, at 7:30 p.m. tonight we go on at the Avenue Theater for the last time in 2006, and in 2007 we move to the third Wednesday of each month. We're done with Tuesday shows forever! Or until they ask us to move back to Tuesdays. Whichever comes first. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that they'd ask us to move before forever. Because, really, forever's a mighty long time, and I'm here to tell you - there's something else. The comedy world.
Get off the couch and come out tonight. And laugh. And cry. And hurl. If you've had too much turkey. Or cranberry sauce. (You know who you are.) See you there!
Very interesting
Your Political Profile: |
Overall: 30% Conservative, 70% Liberal |
Social Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal |
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal |
Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal |
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal |
Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal |
Monday, November 20, 2006
Monkey's Uncle 5th Anniversary Show!
Our pals at Monkey's Uncle Comedy Improv are having their 5th Anniversary Show tonight - check it out:
Monday, Nov 20th
@ 7:30 pm
Denver Pavilions, 16th Street Mall, Denver
3rd Level (Map)
Go to for more info.
@ 7:30 pm
Denver Pavilions, 16th Street Mall, Denver
3rd Level (Map)
Go to for more info.
Friday, November 17, 2006
And The Train Conductor Says...Chicken Butt

Something I found out just today: The Mixmaster thinks "Driver 8" by REM is the funniest song ever...if you replace all the lyrics with the words "chicken butt."
Crossposted from Waking Up With Morning Song.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Overheard at lunch

Oh, the places we go: Last night I found myself eating prosciutto-wrapped figs and talking politics with some people at a fashion show. Yeah, I'm serious. The story of how I got to that point from my lowly origins in Chula Vista, California, is a long one, so I'll write that up in the next day or two. In the meantime:
Overheard at lunch today: A conversation about the types of milk available at the Mixmaster's elementary school:
Second grade girl: "You can get chocolate milk, strawberry milk, and white milk. I know all about the three kinds of cows that make the milk and how they make it. The chocolate cow eats chocolate, the strawberry cow eats strawberries, and the white cow eats grass."
Monday, November 06, 2006
Crossing over to the dark side

I spend a portion of the weekend cleaning out my closet - actually throwing away clothes I don't wear! - and organizing my sock drawers. ORGANIZING MY SOCK DRAWERS! And I actually ENJOYED it.
I'm worried about myself. Is this what it means to get old? If you know me at all, you know I'm a slob. At best. I once had 6 cats, I like leaving my shoes wherever I take them off, and I tend to let clothes pile up until I have nothing left to wear. That's my true nature. Or, it was my true nature. All of a sudden....okay, so maybe it's not "all of a sudden," because this has probably been a slow transition. After all, I have been married to Mrs. C. for 12 years now and she's a total neat freak. I think the only way we've managed to avoid divorce court is because we have a house cleaner.
Anyway, now I'm 40 something and I'm actually "getting" the benefits of having things clean and in order. It's sort of a Zen feeling. There's so much more peace around here when the toys are picked up and the dishes are done, ya know? And that, my friends, scares the crap out of me. Because it goes against everything I've ever been. I'm crossing over to the dark side. Those of you who are already there, please welcome me. I'll organize your sock drawer for you. And those of you I'm leaving behind? Pick up those socks! AND PUT THEM IN A DRAWER!