Monday, February 05, 2007
Adios Cruel World!
We'll leave Crazypops up for a while and then shut it down. So maybe somebody else can have the address. If they want it. Or maybe they just want your sex. Either way.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
A New Year. A New and Improved Comedy Show.

“By the time a child reaches nursery school, he or she will laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh an average of 17 times a day.” – Some important scientist.
Tired of sitting inside, eating leftover ham and watching it snow? Itching to get out, see some live performance, and laugh your newly enlarged ass off? Yearning to rediscover your inner child? The Rodents of Unusual Size Comedy Improv Troupe is very proud to present its first 2007 improv and sketch comedy show, Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 7:30 p.m. at the Avenue Theater. $10.00 gets you in and gets you a drink, so come out and laugh with and/or at us! Hey, you’ll probably get back those 283 laughs that you’re missing. And it’ll be good for you:
“When we laugh, natural killer cells which destroy tumors and viruses increase, along with Gamma-interferon (a disease-fighting protein), T-cells (important for our immune system) and B-cells (which make disease-fighting antibodies). As well as lowering blood pressure, laughter increases oxygen in the blood, which also encourages healing.” - "Science of Laughter” Discovery Health Website
Hopefully it will have stopped snowing by then and you can all get your cars out and get over there, but if you can’t, we’ll bring a snowplow to your street to dig you out! Oh, wait, wait, the Mayor says he already did that. Uh, yeah. Anyhow, we CAN promise that, if you make it to the show, you’ll have a good time and you’ll laugh and you’ll increase those tumor-killing cells, so you won’t have to go see your doctor and when he calls begging you to come in for a checkup you can laugh at him, too! Increasing your tumor-killing cells yet again! See that? It’s a cycle. A healthy, healthy cycle. A Catch 23. Or something.
See you there. Details below:
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 7:30 pm: Mid-squeak comedy!
$10 cover, includes one drink
The Avenue Theater
417 East 17th Avenue
(303) 321-5925
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thanks, Honda!

I just want to give a special shout-out to Honda for their new ad for the Honda Odyssey mini-van (if you've seen it, you'll know what I mean). Honda, thanks to you and your magical PR firm (or whoever thought of it), The G-Man (my 3 year old) is now walking around my house demanding the funk. In fact, he's gotta have the funk. He wants the funk. He's got to have the funk. He's even demanding that I tear the roof off the sucker.
Thanks, Honda. I always thought I was going to be the one to get The G-Man out of his rock and roll phase and into more esoteric forms of music. Actually, I appreciate the help. While I have explained to him about rock and roll and jazz and even soul music, I have not yet ventured into the funk, because I didn't think he was ready for the funk. But now he demands it. He wants the funk. So we're going to be spinning a steady diet of P-Funk around my house over the holidays so he understands what the funk really is. And he'll know when he has it. SO HE STOPS ASKING FOR IT, HONDA!!!!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
When At Holiday Parties, Do As Holiday Partyers Do

Well, the holiday party season is upon us. And, being that I'm married to a Career Woman (she can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and go to Canada to get the kind I like, too!), we go to holiday parties. Actually, we had one at our house a couple of weeks ago, which was surreal. There were 50 people in my house. And, a couple of times through the evening, they were all in the same room. Which was cool. I wish I had taken a picture, because it reminded me of one of those pictures from the 1950s where they'd cram as many college students as they could into a phone booth.
But, like Canadian Bacon, I digress. We've gone to several holiday parties this year, to be honest, because it's important politically to play that game. After all, Mrs. C has to maintain her high level job so that I can sit around the house all day noshing on Canadian Bacon and bon bons. Which don't come from Canada, I don't think. They're probably French. Or something.
But, again, I digress. So we've gone to several parties and, at one of these parties, I mentioned to somebody that I went to college in San Luis Obispo, California, and they started talking about wines, because that's an up and coming wine area and they are a big wine fan. Now, understand, I don't know dick about wines. Not that wines don't have dicks; they might. I certainly know that flowers do, now (see "Question of the Day" post below). Anyhow, so, where were we? Right. Holiday parties. And nothing like standing around talking about wine all night with a bunch of strangers. Especially when I don't know anything about them. That's where my improv skills come in handy. "Yes, the 1995 Wild Horse Pinot had a hint of the oak barrel in its flavor, while the 1996 Pinot was burdened with flavors of cat piss and donuts. Which, when you're 21 and in college, is a treat for the palate, but as you get older, you come to terms with the fact that donuts are an unsophisticated cuisine. Now where are those canapies?"
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
20 years ago today....
…I graduated from college. Saturday, December 13th, 1986, was the first winter graduation ever held at
What does this have to do with music? Well, dear friends, it has a lot to do with music. Let me explain. No, no time, let me sum up. 3 things:
1) I was, in some sense, aware of the big change I was going to go through. I had a job waiting for me in
2) As a defense mechanism against the deep emotional aspect of it all, my classmates and I employed humor to help us all enjoy the actual graduation day. And, being that it was 1986, and we all had a very bright future, we all wore shades to the ceremony. Yep, “The Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades” by Timbuk 3 was one of the hits of the day. It’s funny to look back and see that they were a one hit wonder, and that we used their one hit at our college graduation.
3) The Architectural Engineering Department had some sort of senior “party” that year, where we all got together somewhere to eat and drink and celebrate our impending Overworked and Underpaid status (little did we know!), and they asked me to provide the music for said party. Somehow I had a reputation for listening to lots and lots of music – probably brought about by the fact that I always had my Walkman on at our engineering lab, where we spent most of our waking hours, and by the fact that I was always listening to something quite loudly. Anyway, I made two 90 minute tapes for this party, and, sadly, the second one has gone missing. But the first one still exists, and yesterday I tortured Emily (my 27 year old assistant) with it by playing it. First I had to go find a tape player…what an archaic piece of machinery! Anyway, as a gift to you, dear reader, here is the song list from Mix Tape 1 prepared (from records!) in 1986 for a bunch of engineering students. Enjoy:
Side 1:
1) Old Mother Reagan – Violent Femmes (it was 1986!)
2) Let’s Go Crazy (12” remix) – Prince
3) Are You Leading Me On – General Public
4) She’s a Doll – Jesse Johnson’s Revue (he’s a former member of The Time)
5) I’m Down – Adrian Belew (the Beatles song)
6) Never Say Never – Romeo Void (“I might like you better if we slept together…”)
7) Bachelor Party – Oingo Boingo (the theme song from the movie)
8) La Bamba - Richie Valens
9) I Wished I Looked A Little Better –
10) Shining Star (live) – Earth Wind and Fire
11) Hungry Wolf – X
12) I Saw Her Standing There – Beatles
Side 2:
1) Can’t Get There From Here – REM
2) Close to Me (extended) – The Cure
3) Kiss Off – Violent Femmes
4) 867-5309 – Tommy Tutone
5) White Lines – Grandmaster Flash
6) Tell Me – Bangles
7) Shout – Otis Day and the Knights (From the “Animal House” soundtrack)
8) Modern Love – David Bowie
9) Jeanette – English Beat
10) The Bird – The Time
11) I Do – J. Geils Band
Crossposted from Waking Up With Morning Song
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
What a drag it is getting old.
Could be worse, I suppose. One of my neighbors doesn't trim any of his hair and he's got it coming out of every orifice and he's got a huge unibrow. Which, honestly, inspires me to attempt to keep myself trimmed. But still: from my ears? Dammit.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Question of the Day
"Do flowers have penises?"
And, yes, I SO wanted to answer, "No, but trees do. That's where the wood is." But I didn't. I shouldn't confuse the boy.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
A show so good, they made a record out of it.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Tryptophantastic Comedy Show tomorrow night!

Tomorrow night (Tuesday, the 28th) is the ROUS' last show of 2006 and our last Tuesday show ever! That's right, at 7:30 p.m. tonight we go on at the Avenue Theater for the last time in 2006, and in 2007 we move to the third Wednesday of each month. We're done with Tuesday shows forever! Or until they ask us to move back to Tuesdays. Whichever comes first. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that they'd ask us to move before forever. Because, really, forever's a mighty long time, and I'm here to tell you - there's something else. The comedy world.
Get off the couch and come out tonight. And laugh. And cry. And hurl. If you've had too much turkey. Or cranberry sauce. (You know who you are.) See you there!
Very interesting
Your Political Profile: |
Overall: 30% Conservative, 70% Liberal |
Social Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal |
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal |
Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal |
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal |
Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal |
Monday, November 20, 2006
Monkey's Uncle 5th Anniversary Show!
@ 7:30 pm
Denver Pavilions, 16th Street Mall, Denver
3rd Level (Map)
Go to for more info.
Friday, November 17, 2006
And The Train Conductor Says...Chicken Butt

Something I found out just today: The Mixmaster thinks "Driver 8" by REM is the funniest song ever...if you replace all the lyrics with the words "chicken butt."
Crossposted from Waking Up With Morning Song.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Overheard at lunch

Oh, the places we go: Last night I found myself eating prosciutto-wrapped figs and talking politics with some people at a fashion show. Yeah, I'm serious. The story of how I got to that point from my lowly origins in Chula Vista, California, is a long one, so I'll write that up in the next day or two. In the meantime:
Overheard at lunch today: A conversation about the types of milk available at the Mixmaster's elementary school:
Second grade girl: "You can get chocolate milk, strawberry milk, and white milk. I know all about the three kinds of cows that make the milk and how they make it. The chocolate cow eats chocolate, the strawberry cow eats strawberries, and the white cow eats grass."
Monday, November 06, 2006
Crossing over to the dark side

I spend a portion of the weekend cleaning out my closet - actually throwing away clothes I don't wear! - and organizing my sock drawers. ORGANIZING MY SOCK DRAWERS! And I actually ENJOYED it.
I'm worried about myself. Is this what it means to get old? If you know me at all, you know I'm a slob. At best. I once had 6 cats, I like leaving my shoes wherever I take them off, and I tend to let clothes pile up until I have nothing left to wear. That's my true nature. Or, it was my true nature. All of a sudden....okay, so maybe it's not "all of a sudden," because this has probably been a slow transition. After all, I have been married to Mrs. C. for 12 years now and she's a total neat freak. I think the only way we've managed to avoid divorce court is because we have a house cleaner.
Anyway, now I'm 40 something and I'm actually "getting" the benefits of having things clean and in order. It's sort of a Zen feeling. There's so much more peace around here when the toys are picked up and the dishes are done, ya know? And that, my friends, scares the crap out of me. Because it goes against everything I've ever been. I'm crossing over to the dark side. Those of you who are already there, please welcome me. I'll organize your sock drawer for you. And those of you I'm leaving behind? Pick up those socks! AND PUT THEM IN A DRAWER!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Overheard this week
"My uncle got his nose bit off by an iguana."
A conversation between my 3 year old (The G-Man) and me:
Me: "You're precious."
The G-Man: "Of course I am."
The G-Man having breakfast with his mom:
The G-Man: "Mommy, what's that under your shirt? Is that a bra?"
Mommy: "Yes, it is."
The G-Man: "Can I see it?"
Putting the G-Man down for a nap:
The G-Man: "Daddy, from now on, my name's Bayster."
Me: "That's an interesting name. Where'd you get that?"
The G-Man: "California."
Monday, October 23, 2006
November 7.
If you're a sports fan, you know about Pat Tillman. He was an NFL player with an NFL salary who left it all behind to join the Army with his brother and serve his country in Iraq and Afghanistan and was killed in a friendly fire incident in 2004. ESPN and others have covered his story extensively because, honestly, somebody who leaves behind what he left behind to serve his country is a hero.
Now his brother Kevin chimes in on where we are today. This is a must read. We'll get back to the comedy soon, but I had to share this. It's powerful stuff. And no matter what, please vote on November 7:
After Pat's Birthday.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Dis n Dat.
On second thought, if you want to get to me, go ahead and make up words. Because it obviously worked. Congratulations, you disintelligent dishuman.
Oh, hell, I just looked it up. I take that all back.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Album covers battle...great stuff!
Overheard at the Playground...and other places. Episode 1.
Overheard this week:
At the elementary school playground:
- 6 year old girl, running at full speed around the playground, saying to nobody in particular, "Who let the dogs out? Who, who who who who?"
- Two boys, swinging on swings. One of them says to the other, "Do you have your bling bling on?"
At my house:
- From the 3 year old, as he's playing cars and building a city. "Look, Daddy, it's a city! No, it's a town! No, it's a universe!"
- From the 3 year old, as I'm trying to convince him to get dressed: "Daddy, I don't love you anymore." (pause) "Okay, maybe I love you just a tiny bit. But I love Mommy more."
- From the 6 year old: "Daddy, Mommy's stronger than you." "No, she's not." "Yes, she is! She can lift up a whole house! But you can only lift up the attic!"
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Got a match?

Back to our regularly scheduled comedy:
Like I said on Tuesday, I've been spending a lot of time at the Mixmaster's school. A LOT of time. Because, well, I have an anxious child. And he has trouble in certain situations. And, well, before you get to thinking that the situation is dire and that my kid's never going to make it out of first grade because he can't read or write or add, let me assure you that's not the case. No, my kid is doing fine where it counts: In reading, writing, and adding. Where he's not doing fine? The lunchroom. There, I said it. My kid is the one kid who, as soon as the lunch bell rings, starts crying. Because he's afraid of the lunchroom. He's also got a problem with gym class, but it's not as big a problem, because who the hell actually likes gym class when they're 6 years old, right? I sure didn't. Heck, when I was a kid, I played one season of little league baseball and never swung the bat because I was too afraid. So we know where the Mixmaster gets it from. And honestly, if the two major things that give my kid problems are lunch and PE, I think that's pretty good. It could be a lot worse.
But I digress. So while the 200 other 6, 7 and 8 year olds are crowding into the lunch room with all their friends, making all kinds of noise, being boisterous like only little kids can, my kid's freaking out because it's so noisy. He's always been a little sensitive to noise. And so, on his first day back in August, M (I'm getting tired of typing "The Mixmaster") ate his lunch in the school office, by himself. And so, subsequently, ever since then, for the past 6 weeks give or take, I've been walking over to his school with my own sack lunch and eating with him, Monday through Friday. I don't really mind, but it does play havoc with my schedule because I can't take any meetings in the middle of the day anymore. And we have been working on seperating more and more and eventually I'll stop going. And, being the super intelligent father that I am who doesn't have to resort to tricks, as soon as he can eat without me he gets to watch "Star Wars IV" AND he gets some trains. Parenting, my friends, is all about bribery.
But that's not the point of this story. That's just an uber-long setup. And if you're still reading, congratulate yourself for your stamina and resilience. And now, here, in Act III of this blog post, comes the comedy:
One day a week ago, it was going to be quite nice outside, according to the Denver Post. So I awoke, dressed my kids, made their lunch, and sent them off to school. Then, around 11:00, I dressed myself in my green plaid shorts, my yellow t-shirt, and my black sandals. Yes, it's a weird combination, but it looks good (if a 42 year old engineering geek knows what looks good, anyway - hahahaha!) and it's important to the story. So I walk over to see the Mixmaster and we grab our lunches and we sit down to eat. After we're done eating, we walk out to the playground to find a swing for him and a place for me to return phone calls (it's what I do at that time) and one of his friends walks up to us and says, "Hey, you look the same!" I look over at M, and guess what he's wearing? C'mon, guess! Yep - he's wearing green plaid shorts, a yellow t-shirt, and black freaking sandals. It was, in a moment, hilarious and creepy at the same time. Because I really don't pay attention to how I dress the boys, as long as they pseudo-match, and if you know me you know that I typically dress in whatever's clean, so the fact that I came up with same bizarre combination of clothes for me and my son'm not sure what it says. But I felt like a dork standing in the hallways of an elementary school dressed the same as my kid. Like we planned it or something. And, really, when can you ever feel like a dork around a bunch of 6 year olds? That's an accomplishment.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Back in blog
Because if you're the kind of person who's psycho, has a gun and a grudge, walks into a school - which, honestly, should be the safest place in a community, with a church a close second - and starts taking out kids, there's a special place in hell for you. Children are the most innocent creatures in this race we call the human race and they don't have a freaking clue as to why you're mad and they don't really care why you're mad and they certainly don't understand why you're mad. And what the hell kind of point are you trying to make, anyway? "Hey, look at me, I can shoot kids!" Um, yeah, that's a Big Man right there. You've taken your stupid grudge against whatever/whoever out on innocent creatures who don't have anything to do with it and you've ruined countless lives. Imagine - somewhere in America tonight there are at least 6 households who are newly missing a daughter. That's absolutely crushing. To the spirit, to the soul. And there are countless other families who have sons and daughters who are injured, physically or mentally. And there are the rest of us, who are left to try to explain to our kids how such a thing could possibly happen and try to answer to questions like, "Why didn't their daddy save them?" And we go to our public school and we drop our kids off and we look around and if we don't recognize an adult face, we wonder what they're doing at our school. And we go to our public school and the other adults look at us and also wonder what our motives are for being there. And all we're trying to do is drop our kids off at what should be the safest place around.
Thanks, Big Men. Thanks for taking your silly grudges or your anger or whatever and shattering whatever idealistic notions we had about our communities and our schools. Fucking cowards. There's a special place in hell for you, doing unspeakable acts with other unspeakable cowards from history. And if there isn't a special place in hell for you? When I get there (I think I've done enough things in my past to warrant an admittance) I'll make one for you.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Guess what tomorrow is?
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
You're gonna hear it on your radio, yeah, your radio...

At this month's Radio Avenue taping (a couple of weeks ago), I was asked again to do a "rant," so I took my "Urinal Conversations" blog entry from below, tidied it up a bit, and performed it in front of a live studio audience! It was great. To enjoy - and I do mean enjoy - go here. Download it as an mp3 (see the upper right hand corner of the page) and start listening at the 42 minute mark for my rant. Or listen to the whole show - it's really very good. I play a policeman in one sketch and there was a woman on who runs and talks about what's really happening in Iraq. Obviously that part of it's not comedy; overall it's a very good radio show.